martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020



Living in Argentina has become increasingly insane, to the point that at present it forces us to doubt our own mental health. So we often wonder if what surrounds us is reality or delusion. And we know that the rest of the world is no longer surprised by our madness. Here madness prevails.

But, even assuming the degree of insanity installed, as if one day we had all received a tremendous blow to the head in unison, leaving us idiots, the grossly unbalanced behavior of those who govern is astonishing; especially the one who acts as President of the Nation.


The doctor and journalist Nelson Castro, since the publication in 2005 of his book "Sick of power - The health of Presidents and its consequences", has tried to convey to the public a vision of transparency and institutionality to explain that good institutional functioning requires greater transparency regarding the health of the President.

Along these lines, Nelson Castro popularized around 2013 the "Hubris Syndrome" as the "disease of power" or the "disease of those who believe they know everything", a disorder characterized by generating an excessive ego, an exaggerated personal approach, appearance of eccentricities and depreciation towards the opinions of others. He diagnosed that Cristina Kirchner suffered from this condition, and risked a concept that, today, opens a few questions: "He is cured at the same moment that the person leaves power".

In 2015 he deepened the question by publishing the book "State Secret: The truth about Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's health", narrating that her doctors established that her behavior is the product of five elements: narcissistic personality, bipolarity, Hubris syndrome, Bilateral frontal atrophy and stress.

If Cristina Fernández in two presidential terms came to be nicknamed "La Bipolar", Mauricio Macri in his four years also showed signs of mental deterioration. In 2019 Nelson Castro, analyzing Macri's reaction to the adverse result of the primary elections, stressed that one of the first signs of Hubris Syndrome is that the person in power believes that everything he does he does well and that the others do not understand it, considering it evident that Mauricio Macri suffered from it.

Shortly after leaving the Presidency, Mauricio Macri reappeared in January 2020 saying a phrase that both confirmed Nelson Castro's diagnosis and proved his absence of attributes to lead: "I told my officials, be careful, we are going to go to the shit and they told me, calm down. " Nothing more pathetic than a boss who shifts his responsibility to subordinates and detaches himself from the result.

Against this background, we must now consider the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in Fernández's version.

In his 61 years and engaged in politics from a young age, Alberto Fernández's career is a kind of easy joke for those who search for contradictions in the archives.

But if comparing the different "Albertos" required skipping a few years to enjoy their contradictions, since he was anointed as the presidential candidate by Cristina Fernández, his incoherence has accelerated; and in dizzying form since it was adorned with the appearance of command. 

The "president" Alberto Fernández no longer needs years to contradict himself. Maradona's death showed that he had a few hours to go from promoting a tumult of obituary populism to ordering Social, Preventive and Mandatory Distancing by recommending health care.

In his public and notorious contradiction, it is reasonable to doubt that he is in a mental condition to perform the role of President of the Nation. I say this by claiming for citizens the right to express the doubt that only a suitable expert opinion can clear.


The National Constitution contemplates the possibility of dismissing the President of the Nation due to inability for the position, as would be the case of someone who acts as might be expected of an insane person: without notion of time and place by suddenly showing himself completely dissociated from his own and recent acts.

For this reason and because the already more than damaged life, honor and fortune of Argentines cannot risk being further damaged by the decisions of someone who is not in their right mind, it is urgent to clarify Alberto Fernández state of mental health.

The extreme political submission of Alberto Fernández to Cristina Fernández, an unprecedented scenario in the history of Argentine presidents, has popularized the nickname "Albertítere", as if the generic "puppet" were not enough.

These are nicknames that have a brutal meaning: someone devoid of all will, depersonalized, who is handled at ease and pleasure by another who imposes his will. The description of a sick relationship between a weak-minded person and a manipulator. This is how the bond between the Fernándezes is perceived in a large part of Argentine society; including many Kirchnerists who thus celebrate the power of "La Jefa".

Curiously, different publications report the use of puppets in the treatment of mental illnesses, because they serve patients to express and project their ailments. For example, a man with schizophrenia wrote a play in which the puppet represented his illness and in him were the voices that the man heard inside his head.

Attending the point, it is valid to ask if Alberto Fernández's mental weakness is so serious that instead of incurring contradictions, he is simply the puppet with which Cristina Fernández manifests and projects her bipolarity.

Ariel Corbat, La Pluma de la Derecha
República Argentina

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